The sound of graduation Music

I am making a graduation movie for my high school. I can't deside what music to use. so, what songs would you suggest for this situation?
Pomp and Circumstance is the name of the traditional song.

Good Riddance by green day (permission caveat etc)

Any 80's rock ballad (maybe that was generational...)
no actualy i would like to use some older music. i love good riddance, but it has been played at almost every graduation since it was relesed.
Wow, Knightly -- showing your age. That's okay, though...I got three years on you.

<sings> Goin' down the only road I've ever known!</sings>
You can never go wrong with "Rock the Casbah" by the Clash. There isn't any footage in the world that it doesn't work with. Of course this is the reason that nobody in their right mind has ever asked me to do a wedding video.
I thought about useing that song "closeing time" if you listen to the lyrics it realy makes sence. the part of alcohol may be a bit inapropriat, but i have sucessfully edited that out.
"We don't need no education." That will be a good one with the schoolers, maybe not with the teachers,... well they probably listened to Pink Floyd and had it on LP. So get "The Wall".

Maybe get a narrator to read, "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr. Seuss. That's an awesome book with an awesome message!
They read "Oh the Places you'll go" at my college graduation.. haha.

There's that Eve 6 song, "Here's to the Night" which is remeniscent.. might be a good choice. I think there was something a few years ago from 'Vitamin C' along this vein too..

Umm.. ooh, another good one would be that song from The Verve that plays at the end of 'Rock Star' ... it's on the soundtrack, love that tune.. hmm what's it called..... Ah yes.. 'Colorful'

Oh, or maybe that beatles tune 'hello, goodbye'

That's all I can think of right now..
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Will Vincent said:
There's that Eve 6 song, "Here's to the Night" which is remeniscent.. might be a good choice.

Yah, that is a good song, but i used it for the graduation video last year when i was a junior.