archived-videos The Soldier

This was my first short. I saw a show on how Soldiers are having trouble readjusting to every day problems when they dealt with life and death on a daily basis. I know there's a ton of issues with this and it looks really basic compare to most of what I see here. Any constructive criticsim is appreciated, my feelings don't get hurt easily :).

Also I uploaded the out takes which are long because I edited it for the people that were in the film not really end viewers.

Let me know if this is the right place, I didn't really see a screening room drama area which is what I spose it is.

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Nice picture of a house at the beginning and the music is a good choice.

The opening scene between the soldier and his wife could of been better if his wife was filmed from the front to get more facial expression, however the dialogue was delivered well.

Inside the house the elevated viewpoint could be more varied with different angles and the question "how many guys did you kill" sounds like a typical question from a civilian, but not one i would ask! Then when everyone started shouting i felt a bit sorry for the soldier and was glad to see he finally got some peace and quiet at the end. I enjoyed watching it!
Interesting note is that two of the people that were in the movie where in the Military. I believe it was one of them that gave me the idea for that line when I asked what was the stupidest thing you've heard someone ask a returning soldier.

Thanks for the comment!
Hmm, I was waiting for a punchline at the end of the short but it just ended abruptly.

I can't help but assume that you meant this short to be a "pro war message" than anything else?

[PLEASE no flame wars about being pro/anti war, I'm just making an observation]

I did enjoy it, though. The Altman-like multiple conversations would have blown my mind too. I liked it!
I really liked this. I saw a movie that cost about 800,000 dollars to make and didn't enjoy it as much as this.

There is really a great connection and the reality of coming home. Great Job.

As far as a technical critique, I will leave it to someone more qualified, but the only problem I had with it was the sound of the fantasy football guy, his dialogue was lower than the others.

I see it as patriotic and genuine heroism because the guy just wanted to live his life now that he has done his duty. Which I feel is better than a message of whether it was good or bad. (the war that is) Just my opinion and I to am not trying to flame anything.
This is great! Thanks so much!! I really didn't intend for it to be pro or anti war. In fact, had we talked about it while filming, it probably would have turned into a flame war :). I think everyone in the room had various views, but we came together to get this done.

Thanks again!
I think anything that brings things down so people can see things from the soldier's point of view is great. I did a 5 min Doc from the soldiers POV.

I think this was a good film and it really made you see how stupid things are, expecially when lives are on the line. No concern for the soldier that was away for 3 years. No understanding about his mentality, or how he's going to cope with being home.

I just wish the soldier would have said something like, "I've put my life on the line for you all. I've seen my friends get blown up and die, but all you can think about is YOU and YOUR problems. Think about what every soldier has to deal with! Get out, get the hell out....."