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The Showcase

LoganLProductions.com is going to be upping the ante this Spring following Spring Break. We have already begun updating weekly, and pretty soon, we will start "The Showcase".

This will be a page of our site in which we showcase special You Tube short films. These are films by people like Miguel Coyula, Kal Pen, and even the writing staff of Saturday Night Live.

Submissions are unpaid, but if your film is featured in The Showcase, then it will be seen by the bulk of Students and Staff at the University of Oklahoma...along with LLP fans world wide (over 80 countries tune in each week). This OU Staff includes Andy Horton, writer of The Dark Side of the Sun, starring Brad Pitt, and the crew of LoganLProductions.com have been featured in several national publications.

TO SUBMIT: Upload your film at YouTube.com and send the link to submit@LoganLProductions.com. You are not guaranteed a spot on our site, but if your film is unique, interesting, entertaining, and amazing, it will make the cut! Good luck!!