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The Short Crap Final Call For Entries!

The Short Crap Film Festival –

Turning the crap into craptacular for the last time!

If you ever wanted to be part of the short crap film festival, a festival of a different kind, now is your last chance! As of October the 19th, the call for entering a festival with a naughty word in the title will be no more. This year will be the last year of CRAP. So that is that, we are nearing the finish line, but we shall end it with a bang! This is why we need your films!!!

To enter either your comedy or experimental or your drama or your ‘I’m not sure what the category is’ short film, simply visit www.fullyflared.com and download an entry form. This year the finalists will be decided by you, the audience and the judging of the winner will also be done by you! It is now out of our hands and into yours! Take CRAP and turn it into CRAPTACULAR!

The selection process for this festival will be slightly ‘idolised’, where the short crap judges will narrow the selection down to 30 films and over 3 nights at the Glitch Bar & Cinema, the final 30 will be screened and judged by YOU, the audience. The final 10 will then screen at the gala-ish finale at the Ding-Dong Lounge in Melbourne City.

If you would like to have your film shown at the Short Crap Film Festival #4 and or know someone who may have a film suited for the festival, then please visit our website and download an entry form. It’s just so simple! New dates for the festival will be announced soon!

Length - Under 10 minutes, films must be no more then 3 years old
Genre: - from experimental to comedy (it’s a diverse selection)
Format - Please send only VHS PAL for previewing.
Entry Fee - Between $8 - $12.50, you decide!
Deadline – October 19th, 2005
Address - Fully Flared Films
191A st Georges Rd
Fitzroy North, VIC

For further details and an entry form please contact Fully Flared Films on shortcrap@fullyflared.com or visit www.fullyflared.com for more information.