The Secret

Hi, I'm new. So I'll start off with saying hi.

I was going to rent a video "on demand" from comcast cable called "The Secret". but the time ran out. Don't know if it will be on HBO or one of the other premiem packages (i got a deal for a year and have all , HBO, Showtime, Encore etc).

Anyways, It looked like it was well made. I'm guessing a professional studio, but it wasn't a high budgeted film. So I was wondering if it was an indie film. i could wiki it.. probably will but just thought I'de get input off of you guys. This person claims her child ( I think who passed away :() gave her a book and as she was reading it it gave her clues to which she found a code (kind of like the bible code) and found there are messages in many books that have been written over the centuries. At least that's my understanding of it. In these messages there is ways to deal with personal issues. Now as I saw it advertised I thought it was a self promotional "How to get rich" video. but a few people said it was very entertaining and even learned some things from it. I'm just not into these films in which people make money off of other peoples sufferings. Like, Michael Moore seems to do in his films. I watch his films because they're well made for an indie director but I don't agree with the majority of Moore's opinions.
