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The Screaming Tunnel Blooper Reel

Hello there =) New to this forum and I'm hoping to gain a bit of exposure for my groups short film before it's released

To brighten the start of your day (or whenever you see this) here's a 2 minute blooper reel for The Screaming Tunnel!


It's purely cut up nothing more, the final product will look amazing !!!

The story is an adaption of an urban legend. The story of a girl who'se house is broken into, her family butchered and their corpses set on fire. She runs away but to no use as the killer catches he in the tunnel and she mets her fate. 2 curious girls go and test out the legend that fi you light a match or fire in the tunnel, it'll get blown out and you will be overcome with sorrow. What will hapen? In a week or two you'll find out :D

Michelle Reynolds
Emma Kinarid
Georgie Armour

I'd love to have this seen by you all when it's released with some feedback so we can become better as a production team.
Thankyou for reading / watching =)

(sorry if this is in the wrong section on the forum, new to forums as a whole lol)