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'The Rat King'

Hey, everyone!
Myself and a number of friends just completed a short film called 'The Rat King', and I was curious if a few of you would not mind casting votes for us at the site it is currently posted at. It is in competition to win funding for a feature-length adaptation, but requires votes in order to make the finals. We worked really hard on the film, and would greatly appreciate the support of the filmmaking community!

f you do not mind, please take a moment to sign up on the web site (no worries— it is free), and give it five stars (votes will not count without all five stars).

Thank you to anyone who takes a moment to do so, and thank you IMMENSELY to anyone who has a friend or two vote!

We really appreciate it your support, and we hope you enjoy the film! Many thanks!

- Filmmakers of 'The Rat King'

hey! I voted - my internet connection is pretty bad right now so I couldn't actually watch it but I'll take your word for it.

Oh, the depths we've sunk to.

“Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide.” ~Joseph P. Kennedy