archived-videos The Rapture teaser

Excellent lighting throughout. I'm kinda confused at to what the film is about. Even a teaser should give a better idea of plot than we got here, IMO.

Poke, a teaser is just that to tease, there won't be enough to provide 'what's about' until you starts a trailer. A trailer will give you more info about the movie.

I've watched a lot of Asian flicks where teasers is just to 'tease'; we always have tendency to confuse a teaser with a trailer. Anyway, here's excert from wikipedia. A teaser is usually to entice the audience of upcoming film that comes, it is usually 30 seconds or less. The purpose of the teaser trailer is not to show a bunch of out-of-context clips in order to give the audience an understanding about the movie's plot or theme, but rather to let them know that the movie is coming up in the near future, and to add to the hype of the upcoming movie event. Teaser trailers are often made while the film is still in production or being edited and as a result they may feature scenes or alternate versions of scenes that are not in the finished film. Teaser trailers today are increasingly focused on internet downloading and the convention circuit...

Although mostly are for 'familiar' subjects that audience would be interested, there were some that were done quite differently.

One came in mind, the teaser for Lifeforce, an eye watching over Earth. didn't give out much or any plot whatsoever. Although in my teaser, I did give away some 'info' at end: "Created by Man. Betrayed by All" it would give an idea it's a sci-fi and it will connect it all together. But regardless, this is just a teaser, not a trailer.

Knightly, it should be 90 mins long. Shooting in 14 days with 2 units.

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I wasn't confusing anything. I know what a teaser is and I stand by what I said. I think it should tease the story more.

But it's your movie not mine.

Poke, if you put 10 directors in a room, you get 20 ways to do thing. therefore there isn't a wrong way (hence, I never said you are wrong or you are mistaken, it's just your opinion after all). Because we all are influenced by different things in our lives.

For this teaser, my intent is very obvious: show good images, tease with visual, and do it like what it is done very often in Asia countries: limited plot, limited voice, etc. My main demographic audience: Asia continent. My goal, give them something they are familiar with (like teasers from Shaolin Soccer, The Promise (even with their 14 mins long trailer at Cannes, it doesn't tell you plot), Kung Fu Hustle, Hero, Casshern, Dark Water, Initial-D, etc). So, bottom line, either your version or mine version, they both are fine, it's just you look at one way, I look at it another. And I am sure, both ways will give the same result as well..
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Well i think it would be very appealing to Asian countries with all the martial arts in it. However i would have to agree with Poke that i would definately reveal the story more in the trailer, perhaps a voiceover might achieve this?
Yeah! I am so glad that this is out here now. :) btw- if you guys didn't know about this, Johnny edited this in a little over two weeks (this includes placing CGI shots, sound edit, etc.).

I think it 'teases' quite effectively. By way of disclosure, I should remind you that I am one of the producers. :)