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watch "The Purge" Teaser

Not too sure what would be the correct credentials for a clip like this, so I'll explain. This is just a practice trailer/teaser for a film that we're producing over the next 4/5 months as the final part of our degree. We're through the scripting phase and have our camera script boxed off, we're now sourcing location, props and casting along with a multitude of other things. When it gets around April time we have to present our film, along with a media campaign that we had created, so I had the idea of creating a number of different teaser trailers, each relating to the characters within the story when the film is finally shot. It's only an idea for now, but would follow along the scope of viral marketing etc and I'll be hoping to expand into things that are considered more viral, ie. Posters, water marks, stickers etc.

But anyway, as none of our film has been shot yet, so I have no footage to work with, this trailer is created from entirely stock footage and sound. I know this may be a bit of sacrilege as it's no my footage that I've shot, but as an initial blueprint for what our trailers could be like, I'd like to know what you think.


Nice one.