The Problem with My Mother

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Hello, when I was younger me and my mother had a lot of fun. But now she's stupid and has no spine. Most everything she says is boring and artless and she can't understand half of what I say. And she's so submissive, and she gets worried about things that don't matter and can't control her feelings. I've learnt how to avoid destructive thinking, but she can't do it at all. And she didn't achieve hardly anything. She studied graphic design, but she didn't do it and her art is so shitty. She plays the piano very shittily too. And she always forgets everything, and she sucks at giving presents and buying good food, horrible cook. She said to me today, "I think my life was lame. If I could live my life over, I would make better choices." She had been whining all day about something that wasn't even a problem. I kept saying good things and trying to teach her not to think destructively, but it was like she really really wanted to. Anyway, I thought, "Yeah, you're pretty lame," and I could only think of bad arguments against the idea of her being lame. But she believed them because she's stupid.

I get angry listening to her, and my personality is totally wasted. I think she would like me better if I was stupid and depressed and submissive like her.

I can't respect her that much anymore. And she's wrinkly and saggy now, and she has the WORST taste in clothes, and everything else. She redecorated some of the house, which naturally is now horrible.

I'm really angry at her for being so lame. I had a dream where I screamed right in her face and sprayed cool whip all over it. But thankfully, only an occasional veiled insult escapes my screen, and she's too dumb to notice.

My father is lame too. How could such good kids come out of such abysmal parents? Why are they so stupid and pathetic???
wow. Intstead of acting like a audacious dick, maybe you should think twice about verbally bashing the 2 people who brought you into this world to random internet forum users.

grow up. You act like you are facing a terrible dilemma. 5 year old kids in Kenye are being raped at the moment.
1. You sound like you're a 14 girl who got her cell phone taken away for texting too much
2. I'm about 1010% sure that this is defiantly not the right thread, not even the right forum to complain about life and expect some sort of sympathy/counseling
Bridgette. Please realize that, since this is a forum for filmmaking discussion, your post comes across as an attempt to troll the boards. If you are seriously experiencing some emotional distress because of your family, I would suggest that you seek out some qualified counseling rather than posting your issues in a forum having nothing to do with that subject. The people here are seriously under-qualified to help you with such matters are are likely to only bash you -- which I'm sure will not help your situation.

If you are only doing this to see what kind of responses you can get (ie: trolling), stop it.

I am going to close this thread as I do not believe this is the right place for such a discussion, and I suspect the nature of replies will only degrade from here.
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