The Power of Podcasts

Hey if there are any fans of kevin smith's podcast smodcast, then I just want to see what you like about it, and how you listen to podcasts if you do. I know that this has nothing really to do with indie filmmaking but just thought id ask and see your reaction, because i started my own podcast the other day and got picked up by itunes and will be in there store in a few months.
that is the link to my hosting site, please check me out but be cautious this has very strong language but is also very funny and we have been given podcast of the week by our hosting site.

The show is called down the rabbit hole because we go to some weird places and make them funny. I thought i could get your opinions on the show.

i have 2 episodes up at the moment and will be hosting one every week.
Hey man, good for you! hope it goes well for ya!

I personally love smodcast. i cannot believe how fucking funny that show is sometimes.

umm in answer to your questions,
i listen to it like i'd listen to music.. you know, on public transport, doing homework, working etc.
i find it makes time past quickly, even quicker than music
And the thing i like most about smodcast is that they make themselves laugh, and it truly seems like thats is all they want to do. they've got imagination in droves and they just go with it where ever it takes em.
I listen to most the entire Smodcast network which was one of the reason I started my podcast/live show "The Everything Film Show." Smodcast, Jay and Silent Bob Get Old, and Plus One are me favorites from his network.

I'll check your show out!