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watch The Poke Show: Torturous Bastards

This may seem a tad familiar to a lot of you. As some of you know and others don't and still others don't care enough to want to know, I hurt my back. So instead of getting to do a new sketch this week, we've repackaged an older short.

"Torturous Bastards" by The Non-Retards

Written by Nicklaus Louis
Performed by Nicklaus Louis, Michael Canales, and Diego Henry Munoz

It actually kinda works in my favor because I have two sequels written that would serve as good sketches in the future. Now I'll have a reason to do them.
It looks like they didn't torture you enough... HA!

Sorry to hear about your back. Been there, done that. To aggravate things, I was in yet another car accident on Saturday afternoon.

Take care of that back, give it a lot of rest!