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watch The Peak (Sheffield Adventure Sports Festival Shorts Entry)

hey im new here and we made a film for a competition which ends today.

It is a short film about Sam Corbett in the Peak District and is an entry for the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival Shorts competition.

We would love to get some comments on it with some feedback about what you think. So that we can improve for the next film we make.

Please have a quick watch and let us know what does and doesnt work. Thanks alot!

The slow motion jump at 1:20 is a bit too slow in my opinion. You also lost steam in the action right near the end of the woods running.

That said, it is really a pretty piece of work. The scenery was great and that crazy dude jumping on the rocks actually held my attention...and I could care less about people jumping around on rocks. I would say it was a success if your goal was to interest the audience in something they didn't know to care about, even if only for a while.