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watch The Paragon Series

Sorry man, too much time on the phone with really nothing going on. I started with the one on your front page episode 8 and the dude was on the phone and it was boring. I decided that wasn't really fair to judge if I started late in the game, so I went back to your first episode and it was phone calls for about 3 minutes. Maybe just not my thing sorry man :( . The biggest criticism I could give is make it interesting. You cannot expect someone, if they don't know you to watch something from beginning to end if the beginning is stagnant. Make something happen, intrigue me.
I agree with L.I.F.E.

I understand you can't expect everyone to know what's going on if they jump in at episode 8, but each episode has to have it's own beginning, middle and end. Beginning with a dude talking on a phone, even if it was enormously entertaining dialogue (which unfortunately, it wasn't) isn't the best idea. Grab my interest with some action, movement, conflict, BANG stuff, then cut to the phone dialogue as relief. I'll be more likely to hang around and try to figure out what's going on if you've already hooked me.

Best of luck

Thank you for giving out honest oppinions. The first season was tricky with limited people and times. 2nd Season is being filmed currently, and we have much better scenes then just a lot of phone calls. Hopefully when it's updated and 2nd season is released, it might be more appealing to you. Also, I have made it so there is more action in this season as Season 1 was more talk, less action.

Edit: I just watched bits of each episode, you're right, I didn't realize how many phone calls we actually had... Definitly will be better 2nd time around.
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