the newb.

Hi, citizens of indietalk. i'm in 8th grade, i've been interested in film for a while now. I'm still working on this promo short, code name "The Jacket". But, we still need permission to use the school grounds to film...I will definitly send it here for all to see, if its worthy enough. I'm actually filming with a couple friends of mine one is a member here already, xshort66spikex. I don't think he's posted much. I'm excited to talk to everyone here, and learn more about the art form i love. thank you.
Welcome MotoFoto! Is there something in the water in NJ, seems alot of young filmmakers are sprouting up from there? If knowledge is what you're seeking, you couldn't have come to a better forum:)
thanks for the welcomes all. Yes, there are a lot of kids from jersey. i don't know why, but i am friends with a couple of them here. like Gumby, xshort66spikex, and some other guys.
thanks again.
Welcome! Great to see you getting an early start on filmmaking! :)

As my Jersey friends have said, since there's nothing much to do in Jersey, a lot of people turn to filmmaking....
8th grade!?!?!? when I was in 8th, I thought Indiana Jones was a real person, I had no idea that you could make a movie on your home camera and I was pushed out of the lockeroom naked after football practice one day! I know the last thing had nothing to do with film, but I was NAKED!!!!


yes Poke, let's keep you being naked and film in two totally different areas.. combining them may be unhealthy to all involved. :D

Welcome.. I wish i had thought of this in 8th grade.. what the hell was i doing then... Oh yea.. I used to buy candy bars for $0.25 each and sell them at school for $0.50. Made some really good loot, until my partner was caught.. I had to stop in case he squealed to the principal... I still made my money though :yes:
Poke said:
I was pushed out of the lockeroom naked after football practice one day! I know the last thing had nothing to do with film, but I was NAKED!!!!
wow that is quite traumatic... you should make a film about it (i thought i could find a link between film and you being naked)
I usually sit in my director's chair naked. The rest of the Creative Namers don't like it much, but I told them I need freedom during a shoot.


NEVER work with Poke on a movie project.:crazy:


Oh yeah, welcome Motofoto!! This is a great board.
Poke said:
I usually sit in my director's chair naked. The rest of the Creative Namers don't like it much, but I told them I need freedom during a shoot.


Would that be how you got your nickname, sir?
