The merchandising Myth

I'm sure people here are at least aware that they are told to write a business plan to get funding for a movie.

One of the things they mention to include is merchandising.

That means trying to get video games, novels, toys, TV series, and animated series based on their movies.

All of these suggestions cost money. And, unless your movie has a proven track record of making money no one will invest in your movie or the merchandising.

So, the whole idea of merchandising for unknown filmmakers is a waste of time and energy.

Your thoughts . . . ?
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The only reason to merchandise is if there are going to be enough fans of the movie willing to buy. You need to be realistic about it. What are the chances of it becoming huge. If it does get huge can't you make the merchandise after the fact versus before. I think that makes sense for an up coming director.

If the fans of the movie are small in number then you may just want to make merchandise that is made on demand versus having an inventory. How about t-shirts made on demand or something like that. DVDs made on demand too. Just a thought.