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"The Lucky Ones" done filming~time to edit.

You did it! Congrats, sincerely.

On a side-note, how the heck did you get your name changed? You used to be known as Conroy Getz on here. Sshhh! Don't tell JakeSully, he's been trying to change his name forever.

Good luck with the edit, and the festival submissions. :)
Conroy Films is producing the movie. Conroy Getz is acting in the movie as Fagan. After all my acting lessons, I couldn't produce the film and give a good acting performance. I'll put my real name on the film, my pseudo as the actor. Makes me sound even more wacked out.

Now I have to figure how to get paid back for all my hard work. Lost 30 lbs. during the stress of it all. It is a cool story. :yes: Thanks.
Yeah, but you got past the tough part. I mean, there isn't any aspect of filmmaking that isn't difficult to master, so in that respect the entire process is tough.

But you've gotten past the phase in which you depend so heavily on other people. You're still going to depend on other people, of course, but at this phase a great deal more is in your control. It's all downhill from here.

Except for the marketing part. I have no clue how to do that!
Number one head ache, it had to be the actors. I know you get what you pay for, but by the end, I wanted to strangle a majority of them. Putting a trailer together for the Philadelphia Film Festival. It's cool, because it keeps my editor under the gun. Thanks for the pep. Can't wait until someone pays to see it! That will be the true test~ June 15th. Gonna do some guerilla showings and get some feedback before submiting to Sundance.