• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

the LAMB (promote your films!)

Hi filmmakers.

Just set up an account here, and this appears to be the most apropos place for this post.

I run a site called the LAMB, or the Large Association of Movie Blogs. It's - you guessed it - a directory of movie blogs. Right now we're just short of 300 member sites.

One of the things I have been doing and hope to grow on there is relationships with indie filmmakers. As the runner of two sites (I have a movie blog of my own, of course), you can imagine that I get a lot of emails from not only filmmakers, but PR firms, studios, etc. Over the last couple months, I've been making a dedicated effort to showcase indie filmmakers, as I think the LAMB could be a great resource for you - after all, you want your films to be seen, and movie bloggers are usually eager to devour films and get content for their sites. It seems like a win-win to me. (To be honest, should demand and traffic ever get high enough, I see it as a potential low-cost advertising source, but for now and the foreseeable future, I'm more than content to do it for free.)

So, if you'd like to promote/publicize your films, you're welcome to email me (blogcabins@yahoo.com) something, preferably in the form of a press release. I would imagine that most people are in the business of sending out screeners in the hopes of getting the word out. This is welcome, and as long as you're ok with my publishing your email address, I will put up a post about your film. When possible, I usually just copy/paste what has been sent to me into the post.

To see what these posts have looked like in the past, go here: http://largeassmovieblogs.blogspot.com/search/label/Press Release

Thanks for your time.