The Hills Have Eyes: So far

So, I've heard LOTS about the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, and so I am watching it now because I want to give it a shot. How many cliches can I count?

1. Everybody splits up
2. Dogs with no leash, runs away! never saw that coming
3. Smartassed kids who people initially lose sympathy for because they don't listen to anyone and they are a pain in the....

Here we go long before someone is lost.....(tick, tick)....there it is! Do I hear twisted or broken ankle?....Oh! a new one sorta, falls off a rock and is unconscious!

Don't worry, nothing has happened yet so you don't need any spoilers in case you haven't seen the new movie yet. I'll try to watch the rest of the movie, really I will....

....horror films, blech....:grumpy:

-- spinner :cool:
I'll say this much.. the first one (which you're watching) is much better than the sequel. One of these days I suppose I should watch the original.
I seem to remember seeing the original, but that was a long time ago.

As for the movie, eh. :rolleyes:

I still don't like it when people jump out at people. Cheap scare. Still don't like the useless, screaming female who can only pull herself together when everything is over. When are the folks in those movies ever going to figure out that they have a better shot working together? Don't they watch professional wrestling???

I know the movie would be over, but just once I want to see the female get away by remembering that someone who runs everyday can probably outrun a axe-weilding, limping serial killer.

-- spinner :cool:
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You mean the hills have eyes of 1977 was better? what about the hills have eyes the latest one and it's sequel both are awful?
I loved the cinematography of the original sequel... the one with the dirt bikes. That was awesome! Good campy stuff that the director says he did just for the money and wishes he hadn't.
The 1st remake is cliche for sure, but you can really appreciate the storytelling after watching the sequel. That was a joke.