archived-videos The Greatest Movie Ever Told

Greetings! I am the writer and producer of the little 30 minute piece entitled The Greatest Movie Ever Told. We wanted to do a Camelot movie, and started to go with the whole "Arthur Vs. Lancelot+Guinivere" type thing, but we ditched that and it eventually evolved into a large genre jumping movie. We're pretty proud of our little Monty Python inspired spoof, and would appreciate and compliments or criticisms you have! Thanks! :)

P.S., I don't know what the rule is with this forum, but I'd like to acknowledge that the music I use in this movie is indeed copyrighted, and I claim no authorship of the music used, (not to mention the 20th cnetury fox logo) ;) All was done is jest. :D
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Whoa! Large file there at over 300mb!

Any chance you could compress it smaller? I'd love to have a look but haven't the time for such a large file. :)
I'm hard pressed for time right now, but will try to compress it soon. Sorry for the inconvieniance. :(

It shouldn't be a problem for high speed users if they stream it, but otherwise the download will take a long time, so I will try to compress it down.