The First Time...

On Sunday evening I actually got to watch/listen to - in its entirety for the first time in about ten weeks - the film on which I have been working for the last five months.

It was a rather startling experience. I started the project by "deconstructing" the film - editing the dialog. Then I began reconstruction by doing the Foley, sound FX, ambiences, working with the source music and the score, spending hour after hour on seeming minutia and many more hours assembling and organizing all of the pieces. Then I finally start polishing - the mix - and recording finished sequences. After all that is done I finally assemble the sound track into one continuous piece and get to listen my work without interruption. It, of course, needs a little tweaking, but not as much as I had feared. But what hit me so strongly is that after all of the hard work and concentration there suddenly was an uninterrupted 125 minute period of "experiencing" my efforts - the moment of truth, so to say. And guess what? The film hangs together sonically; with the exception of the (expected) needed tweaks it flowed very nicely - which is not always the case the first time around.

I spent hours after that initial listening on fixing and tweaking with more hours off the same today. With a little luck I should be running of the reels on Wednesday.

It's always exciting - and a little depressing - when you're finishing up a project.

Peace ya'll!!!

Uncle Bob