archived-videos "The Dingle," my first DVX short film

Greetings folks. This is my latest short film and my first with the Panasonic DVX100a.

The Story: It's the beginning of a new year at college and Dan Hamlin is excited to move into his new dorm room. Imagine his surprise when his new roommate turns out to be Alyson Bartley. When Dan and Alyson try to fix their housing arrangement, matters just get worse. The tyrannical housing director Silvano De Luca and Reynolds, his skiddish, but loyal, office assistant, remove Alyson from the dorm room and give Dan 48 hours to find a roommate...or else.

"The Dingle" (136 MB, 23 minutes)

Happy watching!
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I really enjoyed this. Well written, well composed. The acting occasionally dipped, especially in the first scene but as the film progressed the main character really shines. It dragged just a little, but only because this simple premise has been stretched to 23 minutes. Also, found the Alyson speech a little preachy and strange. With more body to a story and continued revisions and an honest look at where those acting moments slipped, I think your team has a very good opportunity at a funny successful feature in the nearterm. It was certainly better than I heart huckabees IMO, at least that would be kind of what I would compare this to.