It's a rather slow build up. By p. 9, we just start to get to the heart of the story. The dialogue is your problem. "Screen dialogue" isn't a copy of what people really say. It's more direct and condensed. As a very rough guide, the essence of your script and the characters should be introduced in the first quarter of your script. So roughly by page 6 we should know the main characters (protagonist, antagonist, main characters), a sense of the story, and the first challenge. In some places your description is detailed and others it's lacking. You also don't need the transitions "FADE OUT" and "FADE IN". The story plot is a common one but if done well can be interesting. By p. 12 we're still waiting for what we see coming. I get the sense that this could be condensed down into closer to 12-15 pages. I think you have an interesting story but you need to really take your writing to task to be to the point. Good luck.