"The Covenant"

Now, I generally will give most theatrical releases a fair shake, and typically I'm not completely disappointed (though often I guess I am a little disappointed)... So I ventured out with my roommate last night to see The Covenant.

Wow, was that a bad film. Poorly cast, directed, and written. The dialogue was so weak it made me want to either cry or pull my hair out, couldn't decide which so I did neither. Not even the special effects were cool enough to have any redeeming value. The only thing about it that was good was some of the locations were pretty cool looking.

All said and done, if you feel the urge to see this film, here's a better course of action: Send me $5 (so you'll save a few bucks, unless you're hitting the matinee) and I'll kick you in the junk with my steel toe boots on. It should prove to be a more enjoyable experience for you. :grumpy:
I enjoyed it for what it worth, a basic entertainment film, there were a lot of inconsistency and the fx looked like what US, the indies, can do, what bothered me a lot was at close to the end, the fx each of the witches used, were the same effects used in the Korean film Volcano High, in fact, a lot of close similarity to both... that threw me off guard and not liking it as I would've.

Save your money, wait for it on dvd, I think the behind the scenes would be more interesting :)
Actually.. the $1 cheap theater would be the way to go I suppose..

And no, knightly.. not so much. :)

Gridiron Gang on the other hand, I did enjoy. Odd that I'm not a football fan, but I really have liked just about every football movie I ever have seen.. Hmmmm...
Hehe.. the sad thing is I actually legitimately felt like my money would have been better spent on Jackass 2.. and that scares me that I would have that thought..