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The Coat Room @ FAIF Film Festival & Awards Gala

The Producers of The Coat Room (http://www.thecoatroom.com) would like to invite you to the Hollywood Premiere on Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. at the Mann Chinese Theater 6 on Hollywood Boulevard as part of the FAIF Film Festival & Awards Gala (http://www.magicalfilmfest.com)

The Coat Room is an Independent feature that has been described as an "Edgier and funnier version of "Clerks". With an Original Indie Rock soundtrack that has pre-sold hundreds of copies and graphic sexual scenes this is one Indie Film you don't want to miss!

Join The Coat Room and other great films from IndieTalk members at the FAIF Film Festival & Awards Gala October 8-14, 2005

For more information please log on to http://www.thecoatroom.com

We look forward to seeing you there!