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The Chicago Horror Film Festival

The Chicago Horror Film Festival is still seeking submissions. We have received some very good submissions, but still need more to
fill up our line up. Being a fellow horror fan, and horror filmmaker, I know there is an abundance of short horror films out there, and we want them all. We are looking for short films, under sixty minutes that are horror themed. Films ranging from gore infested films, to that of the films with just a subtle fear expressed. The films could have been completed at any time, as we want to keep the festival open to older short films as well as new.

The submission deadline has been pushed back until April 1st, and the Festival Date has been pushed back until May 18th.

This is the first year of the Chicago Horror Film Festival, and we plan to make this an annual event. With a party atmosphere, this
will be a day in the glory of horror films, with many tricks and treats both on screen and off, this festival promises some good, old fashioned, goose bumps.

For More information and to print out the entry form, go to our website,

We hope that you all enjoy.

Jason R. Davis
Festival Director

Also, if you have created a short film and would like to see it distributed onto DVD. Check us out at http://gatlinpictures.com
The sight is still under construction, but we are seeking films for our distribution line-up. Check out the site for details.