The AXE Crimson Film Showcase: Recap.

So on tuesday I threw my first ever film festival. It was HELL to prepare for!!! First the date was moved up by the bar owner (it was held in a movie themed bar). Also, most of the filmmakers never submitted their films until a couple of days before the fest.

Everything fell together in the last minute (literally), though, and the event itself was actually pretty badass. A lot of people came and I'm happy with the films that showed. We got an article in the Oklahoma Daily, and a possible "after-the-fact" article in Boyd Street Magazine.

I acquired several very high quality short films for this thing. We actually got Goodnight Irene, a Sundance 2005 Selected short film made by people right here in Norman! My friend Mark's student film was a crowd pleaser. My buddy Dante's music video debuted to a very enthusiastic crowd. I directed that one. Everyone liked the Mustache Chronicles as well. There was actually only one movie that I didn't like...and looking back, I don't know why I selected it...I guess it was just well shot.

I hired some AXE models to be ushers for this thing. I actually am good friends with one of them and I may have a new agent soon through her (she's a model and an agent...she actually owns part of the agency). Anyway, the "ushers" served aphrodesiac movie snacks and free AXE bottles. Good stuff.

The owner of the bar wants to hire my company to run a bimonthly student film fest and cut me some profits (alchohol/food profits, that is). I'll probably do it. Anyway, stay tuned. After I tighten it up, I'm going to start submitting my music video to festivals, networks, etc. I'll also post it here probably.
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