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The Art of The Trailer

I have come to find out that creating a trailer for film is an art form in itself! Teasing and showing just enough to get a feel of the movie, without giving away too much.. how fun is that?!

How about short film trailers?
The short film trailer is a great way to start promoting your film even before your film is done. And usually trailers are more exciting then the films themselves, this is why we love watching them!

FilmShortage.com has recently launched a website featuring short films every week, and has an entire section dedicated to short film trailers. Check our website and let us know what you think of the trailers, and submit us yours if you have any! http://filmshortage.com/?page_id=27

We will soon be posting a more detailed blog post about The Art of The Trailer on FilmShortage.com

Enjoy :)