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That 'jackpot' moment when you think of an idea.

I've spent months and months thinking of an idea for a marketable, original and exciting concept. Something which 'hasn't been done before' - or at least elements of which haven't been done before.

Every time I've come up with something, my immediate reaction is to head straight to Google/IMDB/Wikipedia to check if anyone else has done the same thing or something similar has been developed.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, I am disappointed to find that it has been done, or has largely been done and the end product is so good I wouldn't even compete.

Sometimes I'd think of something fairly original but come up against a brick wall in creativity - the idea just drew a blank, I'd think of certain scenes but would become preoccupied with those images and wouldn't be able to expand on them.

This process usually occurs at night in bed, sometimes lasting several hours of just thinking, not even coming close to writing 'FADE IN:' - every night would end with falling asleep on my thought process.

Tonight, I had that 'eureka'/jackpot moment. I've finally thought of something that I can't stop expanding on and thinking about. It has NOT been done before, it is certainly unique.

I'm looking forward to what this brings!

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Does anyone else go through a similar process?
All the time.

Something else to consider about your "someone else beat you to it" ideas is to assess if you can do it better?
Too many people try to just compete on price rather than offering true value to customers. Value that comes with a premium because it's... well... valuable!

As far as stories go... rehashing the same stories is nothing new or something to be disappointed over.
How many Snow White movies are there?
I just read that there's going to be a new Frankenstein movie out soon.

Take your been-there-done-that story.
Change the setting.
Change the period.
Change the location.
Change the genders.
Change perspectives.
Reverse roles.
Make the protagonist the antagonist.
Let the inmates run the asylum.