Test Yourself! Which is Which: BMPCC or GH3?

Says the video is private now...

Just wrapped up my first shoot with the BMPCC this weekend, it was a really quick one so didn't get a lot of time to experiment with it but it was enough to convince me I definitely want one of my own.

We mixed it with a C100 running into an Atmos Ninja. Considering the cost/size/complexity differences between the two the quality of the pocket was pretty amazing. The C100 probably has slightly more detail, and less noise at higher ISOs, but overall they compared and mixed pretty well. The noise was certainly the biggest difference but it cleaned up really well with neat video - I'd almost consider that a requirement for getting the most out of the pocket cam since there's no on-board noise reduction.

Most of my complaints with it were workflow related, things like trying to judge exposure without a histogram - but I feel like the quality it puts out is probably worth dealing with the workflow shortcomings.

I can't post it until after the premier screening in a couple of weeks, but if you want to play "Spot the BMPCC/C100" pm me and I'll send you the link.
the window gave it away..


The second clip did have richer blacks with less shadow noise though, so with this in conjunction with the window, I'm wondering if some kind of highlight tone priority/roll-off was used on the 1st clip? Maybe some curve adjustment? I'm not familiar with either of the cams though, so I don't know how they handle those sorts of things.
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Neither was from a BMPCC. As stated on another forum by the original poster, he used a GH3 for both. He underexposed the one with the window showing and then used noise reduction when boosting the shadows. There where some other tweaks also but I believe that was the main point.