Three years ago in high school I took a very dissapointing video class. The year I took it was the first year it was offered. The teacher had no video knowledge to say the least...
This is the third 'video' I have ever done. The project was to 'film something from low to the ground." Since I like to rollerblade I just short random stuff of friends over a period of two days. Editing was the hardest part beacuse I was new to the whole NLE thing (editing of any kind for that matter).
Just wanted to know what you filmmakers/enthusiasts think of it. Any comments/feedback is greately appreciated. Thanks.
Three years ago in high school I took a very dissapointing video class. The year I took it was the first year it was offered. The teacher had no video knowledge to say the least...
This is the third 'video' I have ever done. The project was to 'film something from low to the ground." Since I like to rollerblade I just short random stuff of friends over a period of two days. Editing was the hardest part beacuse I was new to the whole NLE thing (editing of any kind for that matter).
Just wanted to know what you filmmakers/enthusiasts think of it. Any comments/feedback is greately appreciated. Thanks.