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watch Teaser Trailer for short horror film

Is it a comedy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper_Black



More than a tad dark, struggled to see anything...

If you want this to be watchable you really need some lighting.
It's need a lot of post to make it have the right atmosphere for example; Grading and sky replacement. Also it doesn't show anything about the story or the what is the danger. I think it could be a great piece of work if you think about of how its able to connect with the audience.
Thank you for everyone's advice and opinions. This is why I uploaded this teaser trailer. I want to know how people think I can improve things before production fully commences.

It is interesting how people have various and sometimes contrasting ideas but all suggestions and thoughts are welcome. I want to make this a project the community feels apart of and this is why I hope more people will subscribe to my YouTube channel (which this video is on). I want to raise awareness of the project and hope to have a finished short film everyone enjoys within the next month.

Please keep posting ideas an opinions and for those who are upset of how vague the teaser was.... Well that's a teaser I'm afraid, literally they are tiny fragments of a narrative to get your mind thinking and open to what might be...

As an extra hint I must add that I am considering working an interactive element into this film where the viewer makes a decision.

Thank you all for watching and your comments, Stay in touch!
Consider having the TEASER trailer show that "Oh, sh!t" moment when the audience INSTANTLY empathizes with what a f****d up situation a character has just found themselves in.

I walked my recyclables out to the curb last night and the walk looked fairly what we just saw there.
Hardly spooky in the least. But then... I am over the age of 8. :lol:


W. T. F?
Again, I appreciate your opinion but I disagree at showing the main scare in a teaser! Have you ever seen a teaser before? They are the ones shown months before the actual trailer for features.. My goodness they often just state the name because at the time there isn't any footage!

It's supposed to be a realistic POV style which was to use realism as a narrative tool.

I'm disturbed.
The most disturbing thing is what she's holding just off screen: Your thingamajig electrostimulated into her hooziewhatsit!

And that's just in the first act!

Wait until you see what she does to your (that'd by your Y and her X chromosomes, BTW), and other captured BDSM forced submissive males', offspring! :devil:


Again, I appreciate your opinion but I disagree at showing the main scare in a teaser! Oh, I'm sorry. Well, if this horror film only has one scare in it then I agree that you'd be better off NOT showing the one trick your pony has. Have you ever seen a teaser before? Only a few thousand. They are the ones shown months before the actual trailer for features.. My goodness they often just state the name because at the time there isn't any footage! Hmm... we may be watching different "teaser trailers."

It's supposed to be a realistic POV style which was to use realism as a narrative tool.
And this late evening walk beside the garage is indeed that.
I'm a-skeeert! :scared: