Tascam Dr-100 Questions and Issues

For some reason, when I am playing back on the recorder, with the earphones, the voices sounds synthesized...shaky, but when pulled up on the computer they sound fine. Just wondering if you know why they sound like this while listening to the file within the Tascam dr-100...like out in the field. I need to be able to hear an accurate recording on the spot.

Also, is it possible to use 2 lav mics with only the Tascam? I read somewhere you can't use phantom power with labs. What would you suggest for this set-up?

Thanks in advance!
You didn't mention which headphones - did you get the $3 special or the Chinese knock-offs, or the real deal (HD-280)?. Do the cans (headphones) sound okay when used with other devices (iPod, computer, etc.)?

It's possible you got a faulty unit. If the headphones are solid it's possible the 'phones output of the DR-100 is defective.
figured out what the deal was with the Tascam and playback. If you press PB Control button, SPEED (on the screen) is black then it slows playback down and makes it sound very strange.
figured out what the deal was with the Tascam and playback. If you press PB Control button, SPEED (on the screen) is black then it slows playback down and makes it sound very strange.


Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

Yes, you can use two lavs with the DR-100; use dual mono mode.

Are you looking for hard-wired lavs, or do you want wireless lavs?

If you're looking for wireless then I recommend the Sennheiser G3 system, about $650 for each set.

Just curious. Two actors will be miced with the lavs and I'm getting these just for a weekend, so I don't want to spend a lot of time fiddling.. How exactly do these hook up to the Tascam? Are there XLR connects?
I also heard you can't use the Phantom Power with the lavs. Would you mind going into specifics? It seems simple but just wanted to check if 2 lavs will work simply.

Thanks again.
Out of curiosity, do you always record mono with the Tascam? And if so, are the settings already set to mono when you first start using it or do you have to select it?
The power needed by the lavs will be supplied by the transmitter - no sweat there.

You will probably need a 3.5mm balanced (TRS) jack to male XLR if you get the 112-P system, or a female XLR to male XLR if you get the -135 system. It's been a while, so check with your vendor. Just tell them that you want to connect to a DR-100.

Again, don't worry - all the basic cables you need come in the box:

EK 100 G3 Wireless Bodypack Receiver
SK 100 G3 Wireless Transmitter Body Pack
ME2 Lavalier Mic for EW Series
CL 1 Jack Cable
CL 100 XLR Cable

Make sure that the two wireless systems work on different frequencies, which are selectable on G3 systems.

Take the time to get them set up properly before you get on the set; you don't have the time to waste learning about them when you have a DP and several actors waiting for you.

Work with wardrobe to get them hidden properly.

Don't forget stickies, mole-skins, and all the other goodies that go along with properly mounting a lav.

VERY informative video there AA, thanks for posting that. It was very timely for me as well. I have the Sennheiser G3 wireless lav system and just bought a DR100 mk2 for a test that I'm doing for a documentary that I've been asked to shoot. So far, the biggest problem is that the people asking me to do the documentary have zero idea how much things cost in the film world. I have no interest in making a crappy movie, so they have to come up with more money.