Tall Fluid Head Tripods

Howdy, I'm looking to upgrade my tripod. The one I'm using now I purchased for around $100 and it's decent, the pans/tilts are very smooth, but the head is constantly coming loose from the sticks and it's incredibly difficult to find a spot where it won't do that. It's got a rod in the center that gives an extra ~1.5 feet of height which I really like, and would like in an upgrade.

I've searched through BH for a while but I was wondering if you guys could give some suggestions, or some of your favorite tripods. The most I'm willing to spend would be around $350
Can you go into detail more with what you're working with? By coming loose do you mean that the screws aren't tight enough or that the pieces are wearing out? You can probably just buy the legs and transfer the head over from there.