Tales from the Script

I don't know, it seems kind of whiny.

I mean, I know that script writers aren't appreciated by audience's, but neither are dp's, and that's almost just as-or if not more-important, and you don't really see them getting upset.
most everyone isn't appreciated by the audience, because the audience doesn't care. they just want their movie and who's in it. it's an escape from their real lives, not another in depth look at the hard work factor. sad but true.
Dreadylocks you should check out The Dialogue series on netflix or where ever you can, its interviews with working screenwriters and its incredible or go to blogtalkradio . com and search screenwriting. There is a wealth of information, great stuff. Everything I have hears about tales from the script has been stellar, so it should be good.
most everyone isn't appreciated by the audience, because the audience doesn't care. they just want their movie and who's in it. it's an escape from their real lives, not another in depth look at the hard work factor. sad but true.

Like with any other product. You think I, or anyone, gives a damn about the minimum wage fry cook that made my Big Mac? Or how about the five year old Chinese worker who made the majority of my clothes I'm wearing at this current moment?

Save for the actors and director, no one cares about the work other people put into making a film. I don't think it's sad but true. I'd rather people not recognize (but still enjoy) my work than recognize it being bad, myself.

That being said, I think that the writers are some of the most underplayed professionals in the film industry for one big reason. Without them, there is no product. Which means no jobs for the dozens or more people that would be involved, no revenue for that company, and one less thing for the potential audience to escape their day to day life activities.
Dreadylocks you should check out The Dialogue series on netflix or where ever you can, its interviews with working screenwriters and its incredible or go to blogtalkradio . com and search screenwriting. There is a wealth of information, great stuff. Everything I have hears about tales from the script has been stellar, so it should be good.

Thanks that sounds amazing :D