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SW England: Submissions for short film screening


I am researching the possibility of a screening of short films by local filmmakers at an annual Dorset arts exhibition. The next exhibition runs over five days in August 2005, and we expect to receive around 3000 visitors.

If you would be interested in submitting some films, please email a reply detailing some information about yourself along with a description or summary of your work. At the moment we are interested in all genres - fiction, documentary, animation, experimental, etc. - with the provision that the films are reasonably short, and originate from the South West of England. Please let us know even if you don't have anything specific in mind just yet.

If the idea goes ahead, we should start taking submissions before the new year.

You can visit the exhibition website here: http://www.dacaweb.plus.com


John Karley
johnk *at* argonet.co.uk