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Survey – Insights for Indie Filmmakers into How Digitization Affects Film Festivals

All cinemas are expected to convert to digital projectors by 2015, and this digital shift is having a dramatic affect on film festivals’ submission, exhibition and distribution processes.

Quvis recently put out a survey report that gives indie filmmakers great insight into how cinema digitization is affecting film festival organizers’ judging and screening practices, as well as filmmakers’ distribution options out of film festivals. Any indie filmmaker looking for insights about how to make the best film festival impression will find many gems in this report, from film festival organizers’ preferred digital formats to where and how judges view submissions.

Check out the Quvis survey report here – http://www.quvis.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Quvis-2012-Film-Festival-Benchmarking-Study1.pdf.

Jason Jeon
Support Manager, Quvis