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watch 'Superhero Films' Documentary

Thats a pretty good documentary of the mainstream's transition.

I would be interested in seeing a documentary that also focuses on the indie/ non-marvel/DC superheroes. I think one would find that what you explain in your doc as superheros moving towards darker and more "human" as time goes buy is pioneered by smaller productions with lesser known super heros.

Just a though for a sequel.
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Thanks for the feedback, you bring up a good point- as I was gathering all my information and coming up with question, I started to realize just how much stuff I was actually going to be leaving out of the final film. I intentionally left out many of the smaller superheroes because I didn't want to talk about some of them and then completely ignore others.

This could easily be a much longer film and I think it'd be fun to expand upon it. Right now I don't know if it's worth it simply because of all the problems I'll run into as far the copyrighted material. I'd definitely like to come back to this one day though
I'm a comic book fan (own a few hundred), love the movies (the good ones), love the games (the good ones), and I always look forward to comic media.

I think there are a ton of stinkers out there, but there are juuuuust enough very solid ones where I'm entertained. I've gotten chills from a few of them I can tell you.

I think your doc is solid. I think it can be big-time expanded though. It's too short. I want a full length deeper breakdown. I want more of each year...in more detail. I know that's asking you to do a lot more work, but it's far too short.

I also wasn't a fan of the half-tone effect you were using. I get your idea, and I like it, but the way it was executed was uninspired. The dots too big? Maybe a color-grade on the image to resemble a comic more? I don't know, but it could have been better. Good idea though.

Also...I didn't see a single shot of Silver Surver. Putting him--I think--into a high quality blockbuster was way overdo, and I think they nailed him. He's my favorite hero by far, and I was stoked when they used him. He needs his own full-length Origins story at the same quality of F4. Add a clip of SS in your doc, and it will go from a C+ to a B. :)

I really enjoyed that, nice work.

ps. And as Graeme said, I would like to see the 'fan films' and indie-level renditions (ie. Wayne, Dead End, Mercury Men, etc) have a segment...
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Speaking as someone doing a research book on masks in modern culture(and films is one of the chapters), I found it very interesting. I'd love to compare notes with you on the subject :).
It's too short. I want a full length deeper breakdown. I want more of each year...in more detail.

I would have actually really liked to go more in depth. I might even go back and work on this some more one day. There was actually a time limit on this assignment, but I decided to ignore that and get as in depth as I could. The problem was that I just didn't have time to make a longer film- I was also juggling two other projects at the same time.