Sugar Valentine The Movie


Sugar Valentine hit block busters a few weeks back in the USA not out yet in Canada however Shane Dean was nice and droped off a copy to me over the weekend so I got to see the edited version and i must say it is way better for the most part, however the sound in some parts are as bad as the un edited version and the boom still drops in to say hello at the start of the movie and at the end :lol:

here is a brake down of the story:

Based on a true story
One man must choose between his heart and his profession. based on the true life story of Sugar Valentine a man born into a family of pimps findes that he is increasingly becoming disillusioned with the game. And now must face his biggest challenge of all: Falling in love.

at the end of the film there is a testimonials from local prostitutes and an interview with Sugar Valentine sad part is that he passed away a week before they finished making the movie.

it in my books is a well worth indie film to go rent and have a sit down with a few friends and some drinks.

JJ :yes: