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Submit Your Buzz-Worthy Short Form Series to MSN Storytellers Competition - 75k Prize

MSN Short-Form Storytellers Challenge
MSN and the NYTVF have teamed up to launch the “Short-Form Storytellers Challenge,” offering indie producers and production companies the chance at a $75,000 production budget to create an original short-form series for Microsoft's digital platform. Find out more at http://www.nytvf.com/2013_msn.html

What buzz-worthy micro-episodes can YOU come up with that are under 2 minutes? All genres welcome. Particular interest in comedy, animation, non-scripted comedy formats, info-tainment and global formats.

What to submit
* Two (2) produced episodes of an original short form series (Each episode must be between 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length)
* A 1-2 page series treatment

Submission is FREE!
Upload your treatment and video files to the NYTVF upload page beginning June 24, 2013 here: http://www.nytvf.com/2013_msn.html

* 5 Finalists will be invited to New York Television Festival in October to participate as Official Artists and to pitch their show live at the MSN Live Pitch event on Oct 25th, 2013. More details on Official Artist perks here: http://www.nytvf.com/2013_artists.html
* One winner, selected by MSN, will be awarded a minimum production budget of $75,000 to be used in the production of a 12 episode series

12:00 PM Noon August 9, 2013
*The competition will stop accepting entries when this period elapses or when the Festival receives 1,000 entries, whichever comes first

For full details on the NYTVF and to sign up for our newsletter visit: http://www.nytvf.com