archived-videos Student of the Warlord

Check this out. The company that made the software I wanted to use to make this animated short tried to talk me out of using their product. They didn't think their own software was up to the challenge. I get stubborn about stuff like this so I did it anyway. "Student of the Warlord" was eventually shown at four film festivals, and is now available for viewing at

I'd love hear your reactions to my little slice of stupidity. What do you think?
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Loved it!

The animations was very odd and that only added to how much I liked the short.

The Secretary's Day gag was priceless.

Glad you folks enjoyed it (at least, so far). Reaction has been fascinating, both the good and the bad, the funny and unfunny. It's like some weird social experiment. The only constant is the piece itself, but everybody reacts differently. Really interesting.

mrde50 - I was shocked. I even mailed them a copy of the finished product so they could see what some people were doing with their product (you'd think they'd be curious). They never even acknowledged it.

bird - Unfortunately, I don't have a trailer, and I haven't quite figured out yet how to make a quicktime file of it yet (long story). I guess it's sort of a tease, but there's some stills and more info on my website.