Student In Need

Hey everyone, I'm fairly new with films, I will be creating a campaign for my new business with my sister. We are having trouble with the concept of the short campaign but we are trying to express or need to empower women. Any concepts, advice, or wisdom please share. Thank you!
First Video

Thank you for replying. We are starting a clothing business, but we are selling the message of empowerment. We will use campaign videos to market our business. We thought our first video would focus on one girl who realizes she doesn't want to follow main stream media and wants to set her own path.
Ok, cool. My advice to you is that you focus on the clothing side of your business, and find someone else to make the promotional films. Think about how much goes into designing and making clothing. It's a lot of work, and requires a particular expertise, no?

Well the same is true of filmmaking. The amount of time required for you to learn how to make a good film would take away from the time you need to design and produce a solid line of clothing. You really can't do both, not without a massive wealth of resources.

Reach out to people in your local filmmaking community. Just as you are an aspiring fashionista, there are aspiring filmmakers who are looking for people to partner-up with. Find an aspiring filmmaker to handle your promotional videos, that is my best advice. Good luck!
CF is right.
It is more effective to focus on your business than to learn filmmaking to do your own videos. It might take over a year or longer to get a result you like that is professional enough to add value to your brand.

Any video should fit your brand. Not only in message/content, but also in style/quality.
Terrible videos will hurt your brand, unless you are a rebellious underdog brand with a punk attitude. In that case there is a slight chance you can get away with certain things.

Who is your target audience, your client?
What age, what income?
What social media do they use? (Making a video for YouTube needs a little different approach than Facebook or Instagram.)

You want to 'sell' empowerment.
That is a great starting point.
How do you see empowerment? What does it mean to you visually?
If you had to tell a little story about your brand: how does your brand help your clients to empower themselves? What chains do they break when wearing your clothes? What hurdles do they overcome? What kind of self confident woman is your client or does your client want to be?

If you can arrange a working visa and pay for the trip I'd love to help you out in California ;)
But I'm sure there are a lot of filmmakers (and possibly marketeers) that can help you shoot the videos.