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Stereo Sound Issues


I'm new here and since I couldn't find the answer to my question through Google, I thought I would ask for help here.

I am making a video for the company I work for (editing in Premiere Elements 10) and have recorded stereo (at least, I intended to record stereo!) sound on two different sound recorders. One is a zoom recorder and I don't know what the other was. The sound sounds different from each recorder, which isn't a massive problem, but one is more echoey than the other. The real issue I have is that when I play the sound through the computer speakers (as most viewers will see the video), it appears to come from different speakers. All files are .wav files.

I know I haven't given you much information but do you know of any way that I can make the sound come through the same speakers? Thanks
Hello Bek,

Why did you record stereo? If you are just recording dialog, You probably do not want it in stereo. If this is the case you may be able to sum the stereo track to mono but this can cause some phase problems. I do not use Premiere but in most editors you can split the stereo track into two mono tracks. You could then mute one track and pan the other track to the center.

How long is a piece of string?

Lots of unanswered questions. Which specific audio recorders did you use? Did you use the internal mics or external mics? If external mics, which mics? What settings did you use on the recorders?

It's very difficult to address your problems without comprehensive information. Please give us EXTREMELY detailed information.