spy/hidden camera

Would anyone be able to recommend a wearable hidden camera to me? I would like either a hat, sunglasses, a pen, something that would allow the viewer to see my point of view. I plan on using this a few times so I am willing to spend the money to get a good one. I'm having trouble finding a camera on the internet that looks of quality. It also seems as though everyone on the internet is selling the same spy/hidden cameras and the prices vary greatly. I have already bought a pen camera and well it flat out didn't work, the instructions were hardy understandable too. Any advice from someone with experience would be much appreciated.
The problem with cameras that are easily concealed is that the sensors are tiny. When you try to get 1080p resolution out of a sensor the size of a grain of rice, the pixels are practically microscopic. Bigger pixels let you record more information per pixel. Then you have the lens. No matter how well made, the glass on a lens that small is going to be nothing but compromise. It will take a fair amount of post work to correct for the barrel distortion. Not to mention the electronics. You have to cram so much functionality into such a minuscule space that you can't have any real manual controls to speak of. You could make a top hat using a small Sony, Panasonic or JVC camcorder and hide the lens within a pattern of the fabric of the hat. That would give you the best picture, but would still not be great. Don't even think about the audio in this scenario. You can get a POV (Point Of View) camera system that will yield acceptable results (like the TASER Axon Flex), but it won't be covert. Good luck.