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Spring 2009 Screenwriting Classes!


Affiliated with San Francisco Film Society (www.sffs.org), I'm excited to announce the following screenwriting classes taught this upcoming spring...

Launch Your Screenplay (Screenwriting I)
Taught by Lisa Rosenberg
8 sessions, Tuesdays, 7:00–10:00 pm, February 3–March 24
Enrollment limited to 12

Launch Your Screenplay will introduce you to the art of storytelling for the screen and will serve as the first course of our new Narrative Writing Sequence, which is intended to guide you to complete a screenplay, rewrite it, and fine-tune it. Through lecture, discussion, writing exercises, films clips, writing workshops and critiques, Launch Your Screenplay will ground you in basic elements of the craft such as plot, theme, character development, dialogue and building and maintaining conflict. The work will be both practical and intuitive, studying a unique storytelling structure en route to creating richly layered, compelling stories for the screen. The goal of the course will be to draft a first act of a screenplay.


Complete the Journey (Screenwriting II)
Taught by Lisa Rosenberg
12 sessions, Thursdays, 7:00–10:00 pm, January 29–April 23 (no class April 9)
Enrollment limited to 12

Complete the Journey will take you through Act II, the major journey of the story, and Act III, where the arcs of the plot, theme and major characters culminate. The course will include weekly craft discussions and writers workshops, and will offer students the opportunity to shoot and critique scenes with professional actors. The course will focus on creating a dynamic structure, developing characters and theme, and making thoughtful and innovative dramatic choices. The goal of the course will be a completed first draft of your screenplay (90-120 pages) that works visually and dramatically and has value to the viewer beyond its commercial potential. Prerequisite: Launch Your Screenplay, or another introductory screenwriting course and the consent of the instructor.

Hope you can make it!