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watch Spare Time With Squinty Studios #1 - Eating the McQuadra from McDonalds

Hey guys. If anyone on these forums have been following us, we weren't allowed to film in my original spot anymore. We decided to make a quick montage of it. Wanted to know your opinion on the 'sadness' clip before we start talking.


Also, since that was the case, there was this idea I wanted to always try. Here in Australia, McDonalds has something called the "Loose Change Menu', where food items from this menu would cost you from $1-$3 per item.

We decided to get a bit creative and made a vlog style documentary, somewhat similar to the Man Vs Food. I would of eaten the rest of the burger, but that would of been boring to watch so we just cut it short. We called it Spare Time with Squinty Studios where we go on an adventure around Brisbane and vlogging it as we go. We won't be doing it too often though because I don't want to vlog about my life, but rather things that are interesting in the town of Brisbane, and potentially other cities I may visit.

I hope you guys enjoy this!
