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soundtrack scores

hi all at indietalk,

(im not sure where these blue hot links come from but they are not mine :) )

i am a new zealand music producer and would like to share my music with the community.

if you have a video/movie/short project that you would like a music score or short, i may have some that could fit the bill and its for free for non-commercial use.

i have 2 albums of ambient soundscape work released, this music is available for non commercial/non profit use

you can listen to this work here;

the albums are on sale worldwide from itunes etc.

I am also available to work colaboratary with you for a unique score for your video/movie/short project on the same non-commercial /non profit basis , but happy to work something out if there is something commercial too. All i ask is that i am credited for the work used and links back to my page

anyway if your intrested in any of the above drop me a line, if there is a track you are intrested in using from the 2 albums above, drop me a line with the following;
  • name of project:
  • brief narrative of the project:
  • part of project where the music will be used:
  • brief narrative of that part the project where the music will be used:
  • are you releasing:
  • how it is to be released/what basis:
  • are you a student?, details of university/college?
  • agreement of usage terms and conditions i will send out to you

once i have received your email, ill send out an end user licence for you to return agreeing to the terms and will send back a file in a format of choice.

feel free to share this information with anyone you know who is involved in independent film/short/video production


gareth bellamy
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