Sony XDcam PDW-680 vs PDW-700

I had the opportunity to follow a test organized by RTV Slovenia and leaded by Jure Nemec. The point was to compare the PDW 680 with the other the its predecessor PDW 700 and find its weak point. Cameras are identical except for the sensor (CCD for 700, CMOS for 680) and recording mode (680 don't have the progressive mode). We especially paid attention to the rolling shutter effect, the sensor sensitivity and the flash banding effect.

The test was made with fuji lense (HA23x7.6BERD) on both cameras. Shooting format is 1920x1080 5Oi. Both cameras were on default setting (gamma standard 5). Edited with Premiere CS6. I added a very light color correction on the movie parts of the test for best matching on split screen as we were not so much interested in color aspects but I can say the 700 gives slightly more green picture than 680.