Some more free music

Hi everybody,

I am new to this forum not yet making movies but music.
I would like to draw your attention to my Kyneah project (

I published the first album of Kyneah under the CC-BY license. That means its for free (even for commercial use), you only have to credit me.

It is some kind of fantasy/ancient/native music. The instruments are mainly drums, flutes, strings, acoustic guitars and vocal harmonies.
The album consists of melodic and melancholic tracks as well as of faster thundering tracks. Since all tracks have a similar instrumentation and sound, the whole album might suit as soundtrack for a larger movie project.

I really like some of the stuff, Nils. Great work.

I have a question. Would you be willing to provide versions of any of these tracks at all? As in, if there's a track that I like but I'd prefer it without the percussion or something, would you be willing to share a different mix of the same track?
Hello Asad, nice to meet you in the virtual world.
Basically, I can do that. Depends on the workload. Can you tell me more about the project you have in mind?
Hi Nils. The pleasure is all mine, especially gauging how remarkably talented you are.

I'm working on a feature, and we're finishing the screenplay for it atm. I'm not sure if it's quite the time to explain anything definitively about the project, since the story is still under construction. What I do know is that the sound of your pieces is quite resonant of the sound I had in mind for the project, so I figured I'd venture the question, just to see if a different mix would even be possible.

If you'd like, I could hit you up in a month-ish when things are looking a lot more clearer as to how the project will be looking creatively, and we can discuss things in a fair more detail. =)

I'm sorry, I feel like I've been as vague as humanly possible with that response.