archived-videos SOLVE FOR X

Good short. It was well shot and it was a good idea. I would've liked the story to be a little more fleshed out. It seemed like a bunch of snippets from something much longer.

Thanks for the kind words.

The director wanted an episodic feel. Only one part of it was a piece of something else. The scene of the hitman beating the wife beater with the baseball bat was part of a fake Mentos commercial.

Who knows, someday we may make another sequel. I'd like to see the hitman survive the shooting and break out of the hospital to seek revenge.


This is a 35mm black & white action movie, it runs about 11 minutes 44
seconds (there abouts). SCOTT SPEARS, Emmy Award winner, is the Director of Photography (or D.P. as it's sometimes called). The piece is written & directed by JOHN WHITNEY and stars Rafael Rosado, a professional animator, director of several animated shows like MEN IN BLACK:The Series & Ghostbusters.

Shooting on film, nonetheless 35mm film in the digital age seems rather odd, but cobbled together with short ends and spare time, SOLVE FOR X really shines through the norm. Following the story of a few days in the life of a hitman, the black and white has an appropriate look. 35mm film looks incredible, although online it's harder to tell, but even on VHS, the look of the 35mm film is amazing.

The film is available for download in WINDOWS MEDIA, QUICKTIME, and REAL PLAYER from